A common scenario played out in many households across the country each night is disrupted sleep patterns due to snoring. Unfortunately, snoring not only disrupts the sleep of the person who snores but also of those around them and in particular the person who may share a bed with them.

Snoring has been found to be more common in men than women and can get worse with age. Sleep deprivation caused by snoring can leave individuals tired and irritable and can cause difficulties with concentration and be responsible for a lack of energy during the day.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is mainly caused by a narrowing of the airways and breathing passages. This leads to vibrations in the throat which create the noise. There are a few common reasons for this to occur.

Both smoking and the consumption of alcohol can significantly relax the throat muscles, making them looser and more prone to vibrating.

Being overweight causes a build-up of fatty tissue in the neck and at the back of the throat, so increasing the incidence of snoring.

Sleeping on your back and some other sleep postures can make snoring worse due to the way the neck and head is supported.

A genetically predisposed thickness in the throat, constricted nasal passages or narrow airways can increase the likelihood of snoring.

With age, the muscles in the throat relax, more making snoring more likely in the elderly.

Remedies for Snoring

There are steps that you can take if you are a snorer and help you and others get a good night’s sleep.

Sleeping on your side helps to keep your head and neck in an optimum position to reduce incidences of snoring.

Stopping smoking and limiting the number of alcoholic drinks you consume will stop your throat muscles from relaxing too much.

Using nasal strips and mouth guards will help widen nasal passages and airways, preventing their restriction and thus reducing the vibrations in the neck and throat.

Investing in good-quality supporting pillows for your neck and a firm yet comfortable double mattress will help maintain a good sleeping posture.

Staying active, getting plenty of exercise and losing weight will reduce congestion in nasal passages, open up the airways and reduce the vibrations which cause snoring.

Snoring sprays and nasal decongestants, widely available from chemists and supermarkets, can help lubricate the throat and reduce congestion.

If you are not a snorer but are affected regularly by someone else’s snoring, there are a few things you can do to help yourself.

Ensure the bed is doing a good job of supporting their head and neck to promote a good sleeping position.

Support snorers in any goals they may have to lose weight, give up smoking or reduce alcohol intake in whatever ways you can.

Invest in some ear plugs to help block out the noise of the snoring to help you get some well-deserved rest and a good night’s sleep.

Some couples resort to sleeping in separate rooms, but beware of doing this as it can result in a lack of intimacy and both partners feeling isolated and lonely.

Zoe is an ardent health blogger and experienced copywriter from the UK, who loves to share her knowledge through content on the internet. Currently, she is writing for bed superstore Archers Sleep Centre. On weekends, Zoe likes long walks, catching up on sleep and spending time with family and friends. Tweet your thoughts on this article to @bloggingstyle.