"A Horse Of Her Own" Rocking Horse Contestant

Why should you win the Big Zeke Rocking Horse?

My mom grew up in west Texas and learned to ride on working ranch horses. I grew up in North Georgia and learned to ride on rescue horses. Now, with a daughter of my own, I hope to pass on the passion that runs through the blood of horsemen through the generations.

My daughter, the light of my life, is a year and a half and already loves horses. She has ridden three and will ride the carousel for hours if I let her. I am an unmarried mother struggling to make ends meet and more than anything I want my daughter to fulfill her passions. My mother dreamed for me and I dream for my daughter that one day, she will wake up and have a pony waiting for her Christmas morning. However, it could be many years from now, when life has had the chance to become real to her and the magic is gone from many things. At this young, idealistic age, she will probably not get her Christmas pony.

I am a proud, hardworking woman doing the work of two to raise my child, and while it may not be a living, breathing pony, I would love the chance to see her face light up at having her own real wooden rocking horse Christmas morning. ~ J. Bingham

Should this contestant win?
If so, vote by sharing it with the buttons below! The winner will receive one Big Zeke Rocking Horse (value $219.95) and will be announced on November 13, 2013.

The finalists:
A Horse For Alyssa
Little Cowgirl
Fostering A Horse Dream
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Horse Of Her Own